To make this giant step back into winter even more painful, I've spent the better part of this sunny, glorious week in bed with the flu. Instead of basking in the warm (okay, lukewarm) rays of sunshine, I've been bundled and shivering in bed, and instead of bird watching (okay, people-watching) on benches, I've been watching a season's worth of bad television (Pretty Little Liars - don't judge, fluffy nonsense was all my fever-addled brain could take). As much as my body has been fighting me on doing much more than shuffling from the bed to the kitchen for tea and then back, my mind and soul are desperate to shake off the numbness of this week.
Thankfully, the fog in my brain is lifting, just as the grey skies are rolling in, and I expect to be back to my old self... by the time the snow starts falling again. Dammit.
So suck it, Punxsutawney Phil. And thanks for nothing.
Daily Drop Cap by Jessica Hische